Today I revisited an area that had been mechanically thinned a decade ago. I had been hunting deer here and saw a lot of scuffing and scraping to tree trunks, weeping sap. I filed the spot away in memory with intent to come and harvest the hardened resin some day. Today was that day!
The resin is hard and brittle, fully cured. I was careful to eliminate as much bark as I could, but still has a little. The total weight of today's harvest is 14.6 ounces, almost a pound. It fills a quart freezer bag up.
Since most people add beeswax along with a filler like rabbit turds, I will include a few ounces of beeswax from my hives to sweeten the pot. Get your own rabbit turds.
I am open to a lot of stuff in trade, mostly just collecting the resin for folks that just don't have access to the raw materials I see all the time in abundance. Make an offer!