this forum could use a "like button" function. So many of you have been so kind and useful. Thank you.
Ok, so while waiting for my new wood to rock up I built another IPE/Bamboo bow. I reused the handle, a disgarded Belly&Core (its just one bit of wood, the profile wasn't perfect for an end bow), and tapered up a new Bamboo back. I baptised it "Franken Bow". I had it on the tiller board and for one brief glorious moment in time it was all symmetrical, pretty & beautiful. It truly was awesome!!! The only problem was it was pulling like 20b at 8". I'm not sure who said it but I concur. You were right - I was wrong. Its a learning experience. IPE is no good for light bows. I sanded & sanded. In the end the IPE was ridiculously thin, like 1-2mm, and in a couple of spots I ground down to the boo. Please see attached.
On a more cheerful note, the Lemon wood and Hickory rocked up. Let me tell you...
1. Lemonwood is "absolutely gorgeous" to work with. Really, truly, its like a seductive butter by comparison. you just want to stroke and admire it. It's beautiful. That said it gives ZERO warning when it "lets go". By comparison, Ratan will send you a courtesy email 2 weeks in advance, then reminders. In the end it just gives in with no drama or danger to the user. Fab for kids bows. Unbacked IPE - the limb, thankfully, shot past my eye and entered a new timezone before I realised what had happened. I never did find the broken limb. Testing scraps of Lemon wood verses IPE, well less just say that Lemonwood will give about 1/10ths notice compared to IPE Great. At least you can hear the IPE splinter first then boom. The Lemon wood is just like "Boom baby"!!! That said it's so seductive & bends so nicely compared to IPE! :0)
2. The Hickory looks to be your flexible friend and I can see why people recommend it for a backing. Please see attached!
I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens! :0)
Thanks again for all your help & patience,