Pau am is no good for backing as Marc said earlier. Reasonable in compression and good for pretty cores but not good for backing.
I hear what you are saying about the bamboo but it sounds like it is too high in moisture content eg. checking after being sanded. Warpage is another issue with too high an m.c.
Your profile is too aggressive (and not in a good way hahah!), as Pat mentioned the kink midlimb is no good. If you must go the r/d route to begin with (and I definitely wouldn't) then get the deflex off the riser then have a smooth curve from inner limb all the way to the tip. The curve should be flatter at the handle and can decrease in radius as you progress along the limb towards the tip.
I would definitely do some straight glue-ups first. The performance will be within a knat's crotchet of the r/d anyway. Your goal should be to learn how to tiller not some fancy profile. Leave them till later

Hickory will work if you can't be bothered to stick with the boo and just want to up the odds of success.
However do not disregard boo in the future it makes an awesome backing when done right.
No need to go finer than 60 grit when using EA40 or most other glues.
Good luck.