Hi all, first post, some very nice info and beautiful bows on this site! I’ve been interested in building a few bows for myself/family to do some target practice with. I figured a board bow would be the ideal learning method. Local store only carries red oak. On doing some reading and research, I have become more confused than ever as to what qualifies as a “good” board to start with. I’m not scared to break a few in the learning process, but certainly wouldn’t want to have one break on one of my kids etc. So a couple questions. Is ray (fibre) direction or “grain” (figure) more important? Is it acceptable to have poor grain on the face or sides for a backed bow? I picked up a board with relatively straight grain on the face, rift sawn, but diagonally grained on the edge (many run offs on edge grain) I am failing to see how a rift saw board would have any other grain pattern to it. Am I missing something or do I just need to have a larger selection of boards to look at? I can have hickory ordered in (bought site unseen) is it really that forgiving of a wood to just grab a few boards and go from there or is it still somewhat critical to judge the grain? I do plan on getting TBB series to educate myself more on the topic, but would like to gain enough insight into the process to be able to start sooner than later. Thanks in advance for any insights and opinions!