Main Discussion Area > English Warbow

How to make a lower poundage, yet full size English longbow?

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Most war bow weight longbows I've seen are small enough to fit completely in your hand. That would mean that making a lower poundage bow (Like 50 pounds) Would have to be slender. Would using a lower RPI stave be able to yield me a full size, yet lower poundage bow? After all, I might be able to get the stave for cheaper, if not free.

Deflexing the stave might help? But it gives bad cast with low poundage...

Make the limbs wider and use some soft species of wood.
I think willow/goat willow would make a big bow, maybe poplar/aspen too.

Just speculations.

Pat B:

a 50# yew longbow will still be 1 inch square (ish) in the handle.
Don't over think it just make one :)
Rough out dimensions for a yew longbow 50#@28 would be 1 !/8 wide for the center 12 inches. Then taper to 3/42 wide 12 inches form the nocks then into 1/2 at the nocks.

Pat B:
Are you talking about an English war bow or an English Victorian long bow?


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