I've being cussing severely as of late due to the buggers

..I guess first of all we have to figure out what kind of bugs we are dealing with,..hopefully some expert will chime in.
the most puzziling situation happened yesterday, I was just about at floor tiller with this bow when all of a sudden tunnels started appearyng under the rasp, I was baffeld because there was no entry hole anywere, after traking down I finally got the worm, I've seen this worms before, but usually start from the bark and make heyr way into the wood, Where did this guy come from ?..don't they need to breathe ??

The other week I went for my first harvest in a long time, i prepped the wood, and just a few days later i found this black looking beatlets already diggin holes in the wood, i was so mad that i grabbed a moskito repellent can next to me and srayed the buggers, they died instantly, so just for kicks I srayed the staves with moskito repellent, well no bugs have touched this wood in weeks now

...maybe one problem solved