ok what does all that mean,, 
Probably much of what you already know through experience. Taking a flat bow and recurving the tips or reflexing the limbs adds energy storage at the expense of higher stresses in the wood. Stresses go up faster than energy storage, so it is a game of diminishing returns as long as your wood is up to the higher stresses or else you get a bunch of set or a broken bow.
And, as you pointed out, there is more to how a bow shoots than just energy storage. It still has to be able to get that extra energy into the arrow for any useful gains and those may come at the expense of user friendliness, longevity or other desirable characteristics.
Super tiller aint very primitive is it.
It's just another tool in making a bow, depends on if you think a primitive bow needs to be made using primitive tools/methods or not. I like to use everything I have available to me to learn and improve my results.