I am working on a short bow,, draw is 23 inches,,it is about 53 #@ 23 inches and will shoot a 417 grain arrow over 170 fps with fast flight
169 fps with b 55,,,
ok this is not amazing performance,, but it is deer killing performance,, I have read that the Siox average arrow was 23 inches,, I am assuming this was a good compromise in draw and performance,, and that they did not feel there was anything wrong with their form,,
a 23 inch dogwood shaft would be around 500 grains with tip,, or a hardwood shaft if you wanted more weight,, or if you wanted to shoot far,, you could go down in weight to a flight arrow,to impress your neighbor,, so I think they were on to something,,

nothing wrong with shooting a longer draw bow as well,, I think being able to shoot both and decide what you like best for the situation at hand,,different bows take different form,, no one form fits all,,