Back on this bow. It’s a trilam. Bent some deflex in and then pulled in the reflex. The outer tips were kerfed to get the Ipe to bend. I am not sure what style one would call it! It’s a bit long I think at 66” nock to nock unbraced. But the piece of wood was 71” to start so that’s all in the bend. I know the left limb still a bit stiff and I struggled initially to keep the string on the recurve but it seems fine now. Have shot it a fair bit at short draw.
Trying to decide whether I carry on or take something off the tips. Kinda where the string loops are in the unbraced picture. Sort of a zero backset.
Would this increase or decrease the speed at the same poundage? A mass vs backset thing. I know it would prob be a better bow to carry strung all day.
A part of me feels finish it as is; I’ve come this far. It’s been a lesson. But I don’t love how long and unwieldy it is?
Thoughts much appreciated