Author Topic: What is Primitive? Give us your thoughts?  (Read 13478 times)

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Offline Calendargirl

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What is Primitive? Give us your thoughts?
« on: June 11, 2020, 03:50:31 pm »
Hey All,

We are conducting a survey.  It is the same survey that Primitive Archer Magazine published 25 years ago regarding the definition of What is Primitive.  We are curious if any opinions have changed in the past 25 years.

Would love for y'all to participate.  Hopefully we will be able to compare the results.

You can find that survey at this link:

along with our Father's Day sale, an article on oiling your bow, video, and some event updates.

The Primitive Archer Team.
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Offline willie

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Re: What is Primitive? Give us your thoughts?
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2020, 10:55:20 am »
Hi Calendargirl,

Your survey has started a discussion here,68313.0.html.    Ideas are all over the map, and range from these quotes to specific bow related ideas.

Good question. If a scholarly answer is expected, we need to hear from archeologists or sociologists. Anyhow, here is my "primitive" answer.

I like to distinguish between primitive "materials" and primitive "skills"....................

............It would be nice to have the purpose clearly stated.

Intent and perspective is important... as is honesty and full disclosure.

I don't go to shoots or gatherings that use terms like primitive, traditional, or modern for purposes of segregation, so don't have an actual need for those terms.

I understand you used a survey about competition 25 years a ago, but would you care to help clarify todays question better by posting at the other thread?


Offline HH~

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Re: What is Primitive? Give us your thoughts?
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2020, 06:30:12 am »
Yes please provide the Purpose. History does repeat itself.

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