my draw varies depending on the bow I shoot, right now I am trying to learn to shoot some Sioux style arrows, average for them was 23 inches, so I am shooting some arrows 24 inches and the bow I am shooting is designed for that draw,, the bow is 55#@24 inches,
I have been drawing about 23,,,24 inches is full draw for that bow,,
just because a bow is designed for a draw, does not mean that is "your" draw,,
if you are comfortable drawing 26 inches,, then get a bow that is designed for that draw to get good perfromance,,,
I can shoot and have shot bows quite a bit that were 28 inches in draw,, but my style has gone more Native and I shoot shorter draw bows now most the time,,
so for Sioux archer,, your 26 inch draw would be too long,, so its all relative,,
the bow I am shooting now is 50 inches long and will shoot a 430 grain arrow 174fps at what some would consider a short draw,, so the bow would be sufficient for hunting,,
if you shot your bow designed for 28 inch draw through a chrono,, at the shorter draw,, you would see its not perfroming as well as a bow designed for the shorter draw would do,, ok sorry I drank to much coffee,,,

by the way, I am 6ft,,and with a forward stance,, its no problem to shoot shorter draws,,
just shoot what you like,, and dont let a predetermined number dictate your shooting syle,,