As axes go that is pretty light, about 2 1/2 pounds, we call these hand axes or hatchets.
I weighed a couple of mine; The one on the left weighs 900 grams, the one on the right weighs 1100 grams.

Hefting both of them I see your point as the one on the left is a bit heavy as hatchets go.
Here in the states we have a bunch of places to buy tools, all the cheap stuff is made in china. I may have paid $5 for the small hatchett, it isn't the best but it does what I want it to do which is start belly splits on osage logs.
At Harbor Freight, a very common tool store in the US, this hatchett sells for the equivalent of 12 euros, it weighs 680 grams. Perhaps you have places that sell cheap chinese tools as well.