Hello, I’m lucky enough to have my first piece of Osage, and I would like it to be a bow! I’ve made a few RO board bows and some hickory self bows (I’ll post them eventually...) but all of those were pretty clean stock. This piece of Osage on the other hand...well it’s got some character.
My questions:
There is a significant amount of reflex, which is already being stubborn to bend, in the character limb, should I take it out or add reflex to the straight limb?
The string track looks like it will lie to the left if I make the character limb the top (I’m right handed) but as I said, that limb seems to be the stiffer.
I’m not looking for a heavy weight here, but 45-50 would be nice.
Specs:62” t2t
3” stiff handle
1.5” at fades out 9”
Tapered our to 1” which I plan to work down to .5” later