I watched a gentleman at OJAM do Abbo knapping and he had an antler tipped Ishi stick. I should have payed closer attention as to how it was made, but I didn't. Last night I started making my own but I need some suggestions. Here's what I've done so far.
First I cut a 21" Hickory handle off a cheap-o garden hoe, (got it on sale for $4 plus a shorter handle works better for mixing concrete in a wheel bar for fence posts anyway
Then I cut a tine off a deer antler shed about 7" long. I figured the extra length would give me some longevity for filing the end down with use. The base of the tine at the cut was about 1/2" so I drilled a 7/16" hole in the end of the handle a little over an inch deep. I used my farrier's rasp to reduce the diameter of the tine so it will fit in the hole snug. I'm then going to set the tine in the hole with glue (recommendations?) and then wrap the end with rawhide (again recommendations please) so that the wood will not split. If you have pictures or discriptions of your Ishi's that would also be great too.
I hope to have it done to bring with me to the Classic next week to help reduce his rock pile.
Your suggestions and expertise is appreciated.