Hey all,
I got back to making some warbows.
This bow had its own rocky road when making it. Over all I am very satisfied with the final product.
The wood was from Turku, Southern Finland.
The bow has rectangular cross section and tapers more rapidly from the last third of the limb.
The last third also has more rounded shape, almost circular before nocks.
It has ox horn nocks
At first it had too much bend in the handle, my fellow bowyer friend told me how to fix it and where to fix it.
At first:

After heat treating and +10lbs:

I didn't do anything besides heat treat it.
Looks good enough for me I said, applied some linseed oil and beeswax and went shooting with it.
Draw is smooth, almost no hand shock.

More pictures:

I hope you liked it.
Happy spring to everyone and hope you guys stay healthy.