A couple of months ago I started this thread about a bamboo backed Ipe fail.
http://www.primitivearcher.com/smf/index.php/topic,67596.msg949420.html#msg949420Well, the guy gluing up the staves sent me a replacement and I got it finished up. He's pretty active on YouTube so if anyone is thinking about ordering on, PM me and I'll confirm who he is.
My ultimate goal here is to see if a bamboo backing will hold up to my ultra dry high elevation conditions without tooling up to work with bamboo backings and the stave was pretty affordable to have someone else glue it up.
There were two major issues with the bow blank on this second go around.
1) he again used Ipe with questionable grain runout on one of the limbs.
2) near the fade area of the upper limb, the Ipe belly was much thinner than the lower limb and had an aweful hinge from the get go.
Between these two issues the tiller came out with alot on inner limb bend as I didnt want to thin the Ipe too much out to where that runout started. It shoots with a little hand shock, but not too noticeable.
I'll email him and let him know my thoughts.
Anyway, 66" NtN and 52# @ 28". Shoots 550 gran arrow at 165fps average. The handle is built up with oak and cherry, the nocks are scrap pieces of stabilized oak, and the strike plate is piano key ivory.