My wife has been working at Squash, Tomatoes, Peaches, Blackberry’s, Apples and green beans.
On the farming side. We clipped our clover cover crop. We let it grow up about a month after harvesting the winter wheat it was seeded into this spring. Then we cut it to help with weed control and promote rapid vegetative growth of the clover. We also spread our lime and potash for next years crop.
We leave the clippings and the clover grows up through them. In a another month or two we will till everything into the soil.
I love cover crops. So does my dirt and wildlife that call my farm home. The cover crops cut down soil erosion, trap nutrients, provide organic material and really promote a well textured soil profile.
Plus the many environmental benefits it provides.
Here are some pictures of the clover growing back again. It will probably Greg about a knee high before we till it back into the ground.