Author Topic: 17th Annual Stickbow Carnival / Flatrock Traditional Springfield Mo May 17,18  (Read 10916 times)

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Offline kayakfisher

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Thw flat rock traditional Archery Club will have there 17 Annual Stick Bow Carnival May the 17 18 at the Andy Dalton Shoting range in Bois D' Arc wildlife area free primitive camping traditional and primitive wecome

Bois D' Arc is located between Ash Grove and Willard on hwy 160 3/4 mile west of UU South on farm road 61, 1.2 miles

                                                                      Hope to see you there
The river of life twist and bends, you never know whats around the next bend till your there

Springfield Mo home of  Kids,Tomato's and Tornado's

Offline Otoe Bow

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  • Mike Chase, Afghanistan
Drats, got to work that weekend.  Sounds like fun.

So far, I haven't found any Osage or knappable rock over here.  Embrace the suck


  • Guest
Hello! We are looking forward to the Carnival and would like more info.

Do you have a schedule of events that we could see to help plan our weekend? Is there anything happening Friday evening or Monday morning?


Mary and Garry

Offline kayakfisher

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Friday the vendors will be pulling in and setting up, as well as the food vendors . we will also Finnish setting up the course, it officially starts 8am Saturday morning there Will be several that comes in Friday and sets up camp and it will end sunday evening nothing officially going on Monday , if your coming from out of town , I believe Fred Asbell is suppose to be at bass pro in Springfield Saturday, if you make it, look me up I will be camping in a big dodge van with murals  painted on the side that goes for anybody else on this forum here is a email you can conact for further info
                                   hope to see you there
The river of life twist and bends, you never know whats around the next bend till your there

Springfield Mo home of  Kids,Tomato's and Tornado's