It depends on what kind of glue you used, I think TB3 and Unibond can stand some heat, You don't want your lamination to turn loose. You will never get that kind of twist out of a limb by removing material, get out your heat gun.
I do like Archer 1, I call it the heat and tweak method, heat the limb portion you want to twist, put it in a padded vise and give it a quick twist in the opposite direction from the offending twist. Take it out of the vise and see where you are, repeat as necessary. Once you get the limb where you want it, let it cool, it doesn't need to be clamped to anything while it cools, it will hold its shape.
When I am tweaking a limb I don't tighten my vise on the limb, I keep the jaws loose so I can put the limb in and out of the vise quickly to check my progress a tweak at a time.
I use these pads on my vise, they hold a lot of area.