I’m working on my third Osage bow. I got the stave off eBay and don’t know how old it is, but the outter word was dark brown, and after shaving it the exposed wood is mid yellow, not the bright yellow I’ve seen before. The rings are 12/inch and I was pretty happy to chase it down to a ring with no violations. Had to put the draw knife away and used a Bowie knife, but it worked great.
This is a very dense wood, and almost appears to be impregnated with resin. Not sticky or wet or anything, I just get the sense that the wood is harder than the others I’ve done, and some areas have a discoloration to it. Does some Osage have a slicker wood than others? I’ve seen other threads about the effect of ring count on performance and density and opinions seem to be all over the map.
I’m assuming for now I have a well aged stave, and the higher ring count is contributing to denser wood which I haven’t run into before. I’m expecting that if I do my job this stave has great potential. I’m curious about your experience with slick, or maybe resinous Osage. I’m assuming that if these areas behave differently I just need to tiller for their needs and perhaps not a continuous taper.
The photo still has the rasp marks.
Thanks all.