I tried archery hunting in a kilt in Georgia. Wasn't too comfortable with mosquitos.
Ha ha, yeah. The other thing is that sometimes you get a pretty strong updraft running up the sides of canyons. Gotta keep those races G-rated.
I did a half marathon out in the Red Desert one time, coincidentally right about the time "Outlander" was really big, which I suspect influenced the following. As I walking over to the starting line, a rather attractive* young lady said, "That is the best race attire I've seen today." I bowed, rather gallantly I thought, and said, "Thank you." She raised an eyebrow, looked me up and down**, and said, "No, thank
you." I smiled, positioned my left hand so my wedding band was prominent, and walked on.*** Decent ego boost, though.
*Not that I noticed. I'm above that sort of thing.
**She must have been fairly hard-up. I'm built sort of like a bundle of sinew-backed toothpicks.
***Mrs. Badger is way cuter than she was. Besides, a promise is a promise and all that.