Hello everybody, I've been checking out the site for the last couple days and decided I should join up. I notice a few familiar names from a couple other forums I frequent, I'm looking forward to sitting around the campfire with you

This past weekend my son and I were in the woods, not even looking for bow wood, but I noticed a whole bunch of hophornbeam that to my eye looked good for bows. I ended up cutting one to bring home. Other than a dogwood sapling bow I made when I was 15 (violated every rule of bow making I'm sure!), this will be my first selfbow build.
I reached out to Bjrogg and he gave me some pointers on getting the log split and sealed, so we got that taken care of the other night. 2 staves in particular look pretty promising with some natural reflex in them already. I've been checking out some old topics here on HHB bows and I'm excited to get started!