The more I use red oak the more I like it. Definitely has its flaws and I think there may be some more variability to its integrity compared to other woods. Good pieces seem as good as any other wood for making bows. It’s also downright beautiful which is the reason Pearly wants all his trim to be oak! 
I've noticed you like it and maybe I just need to adapt to what it needs, but so far I'm not a fan. It could be that I expected it to do something it just isn't going to do with the bending. Once I get to tillering this one and can shoot it (assuming it gets that far, I'm far too inexperienced to be certain of anything relating to bows yet) maybe I will change my mind. It is significantly cheaper than maple which is a nice bonus.
This piece has thin early wood rings and thick late wood rings along with pretty straight grain, which is why I bought it. Red oak does look very nice when finished, usually with much nicer character to the grain than the maple.