I might as well join in since we're stuck at home and the weather is brutal.
I have started a red oak pyramid bow. 65"NTN, target draw is 36-38# @ 28". I see why people like these, once the limbs were cut to thickness they feel like they are already mostly tillered and are itching to become a bow with a nice, even bend.

The tips were left wide because I was planning to flip the tips and wanted them to not twist in the jig. Because I had never done this before I figured some testing was in order, so I cut some test strips to the same thickness as the limbs and boiled them. One failed experiment in the books and experience gained. Red oak doesn't bend, it breaks... First piece I boiled for 15 minutes and it broke before bending more than maybe 30 degrees. Second one I boiled for 25 minutes and it made it maybe 45 degrees before cracking sounds were heard. I kept going with it just to see how it would fail. That is the next pic.

Lesson learned, red oak bows stay flat from now on. Weather has been terrible the last few days so nothing more has been done besides narrowing the tips and gluing on tip overlays. Hopefully I will get at it again today and through the weekend.