Hi guys....this my new bow that i just build.....i only have to put the finish on him tonight, ...but i couldn't rezist to show you the bow.....im verry happy...its my first laminated bow, and also the first time whenn i wass working with bamboo....and im happy with the result....the bow its verry short....48" long, and the limbs are 32" long with the V splice......the bow its a target bow....its pulls 27#@30"....the bow end up so light, becose i had take to much material on the belly whenn i wass taper the belly strip....i wass taken to much on one limb, and whenn i put the bow to the tillering tree, it wass an hinge to that limb, so i had to scrape the other limb from the sides...and i also did some scraping, on the belly ...i had to take that risk...and the bow end up ok....im verry happy with the result....the bamboo belly and back wass glued with bone glue.....also the V splice with bone glue....and i reinforce the splice with wrap sinew.....the handle wass made with pieces of leather glued together in order to make the handle a little thicker , so that i cand hold it in my hand....this is the pictures...

The belly of the bow wass tempered, and it wass a little refelxed,,,,the bow wass also glued with a little reflex(2" of refelx), i wass afraid that it will not survive iff i wass puting to much relfex in the bow......this it all for now...i will put some yacht varnish on him to seal it...and i will put some pictures tomorow.....byee