well this weekend started out pretty good the girls woke me up and wanted to work on their bows so after i had woken up an bit more we went outside on the porch (my current workshop area since my shop still isnt in place bc of all the rain, then i still have to hook up electrical and blah blah blah) to work on some wood.
while they scraped on some apple i finished up tillering on a short stick of European Buckthorn i had laying around. its an inch at the handle and like and 1 1/8" at the widest. such tough elastic wood! came in at #72@27" and is 55"NTN
snuck down into random utility room in our basement where humidity is low to glue up another Ottoman bow i started as another "quarantine" project.
slapped some more finish on a lemonwood longbow before i left so it could dry while i was gone for the day.
After that i made a quick trip to a little shin-dig at Carson place, also brought him some 500 fir shafts that had been sorted and matched. kind of like a delivery dude haha
We shot a bit, had a few brews, big ole fire, and swapping hunting stories and stupid sh&# we've done over the years. You know the way a Bowyers get together goes. all and all a good time.
anyways heres a couple pics