BJ, season goes out first of April, the month of March is some of our best Beaver trapping weather wise , ice starts breaking up and Beaver are starting to breed and get out and move, the bad part is if overcrowded they fight and get a lot of bite marks on them. this pr was perfect no bite marks and prime as can be. I also lucked out and caught them on separate days. 30# hike out vs. 60# hike in swampy water. Beaver are a heck of a lot of work and at todays prices even worse, If I skin,flesh,and stretch might get $10 a pc for them, about ten yrs ago I got a $40 avg. Ya should seen me hump Beaver out of them swamps then. I was also ten yrs younger. I caught 45 that yr all put up and sold at the Auction. Best yr I ever had in 60 yrs of trapping. Nice to reminisce when I first started trapping we were only aloud 3 beaver and only a 30 day season, Now we have a 90 day season and are aloud 65, At todays prices no bodys doing much to hurt the population. Later Bob