Author Topic: Trade for Red Osier or Hazel Shafts  (Read 2381 times)

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Offline SecretBuffalo

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Trade for Red Osier or Hazel Shafts
« on: April 24, 2020, 09:23:48 am »
 Hey everyone, I am new here, and I am new to archery and arrowmaking. Just got my bow in the first week of March. With all this time on my hands due to being laid off from my serving jobs, I am going to start making my own arrows, and getting good at archery. I am looking to see if anyone has any shafts they would like to trade for, or donate to my cause. I have just about 6 dogwood shafts that I managed to grab early March, but I really didn't know what I was looking for, or the right time to harvest them. I will need as many more shafts as I can get, hoping for 25+; my plan is to beast through as many arrows as it takes to get good at it. So essentially, I would like to keep busy arrowmaking until I eventually have my own stockpile here to draw from, and at that point I would like to be somewhat experienced at what I am doing.  )W(  )P(

 I don't know what I could trade for them, I have a really nice fox pelt here, and I am pretty resourceful. Hit me up, I would like to work something out if I can!

Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: Trade for Red Osier or Hazel Shafts
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2020, 10:24:07 am »
I have at least a couple dozen well cured, bark on, Un-straightened red osier shafts my wife would love to see gone!  PM me!
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