Thanks fellas....I usually like to keep quite a few bundled in groups of 7 cure drying over a longer period.Sort of a small type assembly line.
Final heat correctioning usually will keep them straight.I've never needed to do any grooving on mine.
I use different colored fletching/spine weight/and mass weight to identify what is what.
I did'nt show some hazelnut shoots that make excellent arrows also.
Most all shoot shafts are tougher than any split timber shafts.Although many woods can be used also for split timber shafts.I've experimented successfully with hickory/elm//DF/hemlock/honey locust/black locust//maple/walnut/spruce/ash/ and even osage[too heavy for spine gotten for a 50# bow].Always looking for a nice balance of diameter/spine/and mass weight.Some are too thick IMO for their spine.
Laminated bamboo flooring make excellent heavy mass weight shafts.
IMO split timber hickory shafts are about as tough as a split timber shaft can get.Good diameter with good mass weight and spine too.Think it might have to do with it's interlocking grain qualities.