Some questions that rattle around in my head.

In it's purest/performance affecting form is set any more than just damaged wood?
If a stave warps a bit while drying and then that warp pulls out while tillering, is that set? Is it performance affecting? How can you tell if you have a little set and a little pull out?
Same question about heat treating.
When I put in Perry reflex, I sometimes gain a little reflex. So now the bow is gaining a little/losing a little as the tillering is progressing and there is no way of knowing what is causing it.
I don't think that, on an individual bow basis, you will ever be able to predict what is going to happen. All you can do is figure out some general procedures to follow based on a lot of bows(I'm still trying to do that

) and follow those to the best of your abilities and the Bow Gods will take it from there.