I've been sleeping in my truck on and off since 2014. I have been through ice storms in Kansas down to 3° in a bag I bought from Bass Pro. Its Rogue Expedition brand, good down to 0°. I literally use this bag to keep me alive and healthy to work after a nights sleep. It has a tough canvas outter cover that can be spritzed with spray to waterproof it, and a super soft comfy plaid liner on the inside. I've had it for over a year now and am considering buying a second one. I've slept in it for two winters and on it all summer. I've had my dog sleep on it, had him pee on it, washed it many times, and its holding up fine without so much as a run in the threads, or as us sailors call em, Irish pennants. The stitching is tough and good quality, with a decent zipper, though I haven't used the zipper much. It also has velcro straps and plastic clips to secure it in a bed roll for back packing.
All in all, I have absolutely zero complaints in this bag, and would suggest it to anyone. Now if you will excuse me, I need to go collect my commission.

Ps. As I recall, the price was around 120.