well, i havent been workingon this all that much,messed up my shoulder again so ive been down for about a week.
i just got back to it last night and decided to go all the way down to that fifth ring( the second one that hillbilly marked ) only cause i messed up and cut thru the third ring lol.
but hey im still learning.
i really like this wood,it feels good,it smeels good and so far it seems to work good also.
now the narrowest part of this little sliver is near the handle area, it is about 5/8 inch wide there, so now i'm thinking that i should go with a bend in the handle style bow and i was thinking to keep that width to the tips also. i do have pics and questions to go with them. however i will need to post them later this evening as the wife wants to go get something to eat now.
so after supper i will post pics for everyones opinion and or entertainment.

well back from supper,as promised pics

in this one you can see that it has a lateral bend to it
i was wondering whats the best way to try and straighten? i'll worry about twist later if need be.

as you can see ( i hope ) it has some reflex,approx 1 inch
now as i stated earlier, at its narrowest point its 5/8 inch wide.
would it be safe to maintain that width an still have a shootible youth bow. nothing real stout,or a real long draw length.this sliver is 57 inches long and still about 7/8 inch thick.
any input is always welcomed,and appreciated.