Thanks for the info and the story, JW. Bloody messes aside, it's always rather satisfying when those self-assessed geniuses get what's coming to them.
OK, I'm definitely putting in for an antelope permit next year. It's an almost guaranteed draw (I don't know why they don't just sell them OTC), and it's about as close to a 100% success rate as they come. (I read somewhere that 90% of the world's population of pronghorns live within 300 miles of Casper, Wyoming, and yes, I am within that circle. Some days it looks like the Serengeti out there) Not premium eating, though good enough when treated well in the field. But between the rawhide, a pretty skull on the wall, a two-week extension of bow hunting season, some extra jerky and sausage in the freezer, and the chance to possibly get Mrs. Badger her first kill...Yep, I think it's time.