Deerhunter21, forget about getting rich, The fur market is in the tank except for silky western coyotes, Unless you are experienced with taking care of beaver pelts it is a ton of work if not setup. Beaver are all about work, It takes me about and hr. to skin , flesh and stretch 1 beaver and $10 bucks for the best and largest prime hides, going the other route is a better option, send them to get commercial tanned about $25 plus shipping each way. Then make things or sell tanned soft hides, Home tanned and brain tanning on beaver is a hard to do because of thickness of leather and hard to shave down, commercial tanned beaver are beautiful and durable as ever, Okay enough negativity and on to the positive side, Dried Beaver castors are worth as much as the hide and a lot less labor to remove and dry, Beaver also make excellent table fare I have made burger and have also had canned beaver but the back straps are good eats. Cauton do not get castors juice on your meat. Good Luck with your endeavor and no matter which way you decide to go you will learn a few things, and remember education aint cheap and also" Knowledge is the easiest tool to carry" Bob