Just have to share this: There's a little country road near here that winds through some of the prettiest red-cliff/juniper/sagebrush foothills you've ever seen. Mrs. Badger and I have taken walks out there since we met, but the whole area is private, so we have to stick to the road. The other day, while we were walking, I was looking up at those red cliffs, thinking wistfully how fun it would be to stalk a big muley buck (or an elk, if it were late in the season and I was really lucky) through those cedars.
Well, lo and behold. I took a look at Cal topo this evening, and there is a big old hunk of BLM land that intersects the road at a couple points, which leads to other hunks of state land, and so on up into the mountains. The weather is too wretched and the snow is too deep (which is not to say that I'm too old) to get up there now, but come spring/summer I'll have some new country to scout. I've lived in this town for 22 years, so finding new, unexplored spots is like unearthing hidden treasure. And best of all, I'd bet the farm that, during archery season, I'll have the whole place to myself.
Just had to get that off my chest. Now I can go to bed.

Evening, everybody!