When I hear treat I go slow and constantly move the gun. This give the heat time to travel through the cell layers of the wood before more heat is applied. It’ll take 30-50 min per limb depending on the wood type and how well heat travels through. But by the time I’m done the back is hot enough I can’t hold my hand on it. When I do it this way a second heat treat does nothing. The first heat treat I do after long string tillering to about 2/3 draw and as soon as I even out first full brace, but before I pull it back any at full brace. Especially with black locust (main wood I use) the limbs are about 3/8” thick at this point and this wood seems to transfer heat very well, so it doesn’t take long to get a good heat treat. Sometimes as quick as 15-20 min per limb. I’ve tried a second heat treat after tillering to full draw with no effect on weight or tiller. But the first heat treat takes my draw to point for a weight from, let’s say 20” draw at 50# down to 10-12” at 50#. It could just be the way BL reacts to heat, it I have the same experience with hickory doing this. Now if I rush the heat treat the limbs do benefit from a second toasting later in the tillering cycle.