ok since this has morphed into what is a good shot at a deer,,I will give my 2 cents,,
I think if I was gonna give advice about how far to shoot,,a good rule of thumb would be,, if you kill and recover every deer you shoot at at 10 to 15 yards,, then extend your range to 20 ,,, and so on,, I agree that longer range shots cant compensate for the speed a deer can get out of the way,, spinning circles etc is a reality that most dont take into consideration when shooting at deer,,,you are not in control of the situation by executing a perfect shot,,the deer has alot to do with what happens after the arrow is released and its a game of inches,,,2 inces to the left you are in the shoulder, and a difficult recover,,,2 inches high you it the back strap above the lungs,, its just not easy,, and closer shots improve your recovery rate,,
the older and more experienced I get,, the closer I like to shoot,, taking as many of the variables out of the situation as possible,,