You that know me know I am an opportunist not a trophy hunter, well this proves it.

Great morning , this young fellow came in working a scrape about 6:30 this morning and got a little to close. 10 yard shot and I made a prefect double lung shot. He ran 75/80 yards and it was over very quick. As I said in the doe I took the other day all double lung shots are not the same. I looked closely at this one also and it was in the middle of the lungs, the doe was in the back third so just an inch or 2 can make a big difference. Any way I feel very blessed. It was taken with Old Al my Osage static, cedar shaft with Ace 160 head. 100 lb 3 point. Sister got an easier work out than with the doe and more liver, she is really coming along and this is the prefect way to train a dog.
