Hi all,
I've started playing with a Turkish shaped horn bow build. Not having Adam's book, I've been working with information from various places across the internet and TBB series.
Being limited to very few materials and experience, I'm treating this as a learning curve and an experiment. I'm fully accepting that it may fail due to incorrect materials and mostly my building technique, but as I say, it's a learning curve for my next attempt.
I'm aiming for a Turkish shape bow, pulling anything up to 50# at 29". I've chosen to use vertical bamboo as the core, with Gemsbok horn on the belly. I'm waiting on a butcher I know to finish removing the sinews from three South African antelope. Two wildebeest (slightly smaller than an elk) and a single blesbok (about 25% bigger than a whitetail deer).
I'm sure I've broken every rule in the book so far, but here are a couple of photos. I've made a bit of progress since then, and have the horn glued on the entire belly. Next I'm going to glue my handle onto the back, shape the bow a little bit, and then start preparing the back for sinewing.
If you have any advice or questions please feel free to voice them. I'd very much like to get more discussion going on the building of these magnificent machines.