Thanks guys!
Bayou Ben- this was a stave given to me, very old (started off dark brown i estimate at least 15-20 yrs old or so by the color), spliced together in the middle. I know many do this type of splice often, and it was drawn to 26" with no wrap on the handle....but i wanted it to be bulletproof for my friend. So the first layer was elk sinew with hide glue for tightness, and the second layer was elk sinew with tb3 for waterproofness.
Hamish, this is my buddy Talon holding his bow, not me(my beard isn't that cool lol). It is a pattern i made of myself based on the colors he prefered combined with what i know about effective camo patterns. It may have been a tribal design at one point in the past... My art hits me from a spiritual place late in the night usually, so then i just start painting. My test begs to differ, but i know what i feel from my place of inspiration. When it hits it hits