Its hard to tell by these pics, but it looks like you are off to a good start.
For your pictures next time, it helps if you dont have anything in the background that has defined lines (such as the power strip and black cable) running at odd angles. It creates optical illusions and makes it more difficult to spot hinges or differences between the two sides.
As far as building that bow, at this point just dont draw it harder than your target weight. You should get those limbs thinned slowly and evenly until they bend easily with like 20lbs of force, which isnt much. If you look at a draw weight vs draw length profile for most bows the first 10" of draw only produces like 10lbs. Just be very mindful and dont create any hinges in the process, us long even strokes with your tool. Where your at in the process, it really helps me to use a micrometer to take measurements. I want to make sure each limb is the same dimension, and check for thin spots I accidentally created while roughing out the bow. When you get to the point that you have a nice even bend and can draw about 10" thats when the real tillering begins.
But at the moment, so far as I can tell is going good.