After many years of trying and quite a few near misses, I killed this fat little muley buck this morning. This is my first big-game animal with archery, and my first primitive kill of any kind. 27 yard shot; 60# black locust flat bow by Curt Brisky (with some modifications); home-made sitka spruce/wild turkey arrow tipped with a zwickey eskimo. The arrow went in clear up to the fletchings, took him right through the heart and he went down pretty fast.

This is a really important kill to me for a few reasons. Besides the firsts, it also marks the end of a long archery losing streak for me. I've missed shots at two elk and several deer over the past few years because my head starts messing with me. A couple times, I've gotten so flustered I made bad shots. A couple other times, a little voice in my head said, right as I was drawing, "You're gonna miss. Something always goes wrong."
Well, that's no fun. This past summer I spent a ton of time researching the art and science of archery, instinctive shooting in particular, and practicing, practicing, practicing. Today, when the time came, my heart was pounding just like other times...and I picked a little dark patch of hair on that deer's boiler room, and put my arrow right into it.
DANG, it felt good seeing that arrow strike home! Tenderloins for supper at Badger Manor tonight!