Probably had to be there, but at the time it was funny as heck.
I took my daughter and her best friend squirrel hunting this past weekend. Both 8 years old. I was surprised that the friend's parents let her go as they are of a certain persuasion.
It was an interesting afternoon of singing songs and scaring off wildlife, but we did get one squirrel.
Well, I have the disgusting habbit of dipping. I was trying to be discreet but the little friend noticed. I hear this conversation behind me.
Friend "why does your dad keep spitting yellow?"
Daughter "it's not yellow, it's brown"
Friend "but why does he keep doing it?"
Daughter "he's marking his terrirory"
Then for the rest of the afternoon these two little girls went around spitting on things, in a very serious manner, to mark their territories.