So with that method you’re sure to violate back of the stave, so how much violation can the back tolerate? A closeup picture of the back of one of yours or anybody’s bows/staves would be really helpful. The growth rings are tight on my staves so if there a violation how much do I feather it out?
I'm sure you could violate the back if you are clumsy
Or just inexperienced maybe? Not everybody has been doing this for years

Yes it would be easy enough to nick the back with a draw knife. Go slowly and carefully.
Most barks come off very easily when fresh cut and the sap is flowing. If that were the case here I'm sure you wouldn't be asking this question
Cutting in autumn/winter early spring will mean the bark is very well stuck to the wood. Also drying a stave with the bark on will lead to the same thing regardless of when it is cut.
So if the bark is stuck then remove as much of the bark as possible with a quick tool (drawknife) then go slowly as you get down in to the cambium layer. Use a scraper or the steam method from here. Steam is the way to go for ease. Your pressure washer may also work but go gently to start with.
If the bark is stuck