The saddest part is that his bows are nice enough without exaggerating. They look like great bows with nice profiles, absolutely respectable on their own merits. Since i’ve been hanging around here it’s obvious the most impressive bowyers are some of the least selfish with their ideas. Badger, if you talked like this guy it would set bowmaking back a decade and Marc wouldn’t be the King of heat treating without an entire kingdom of bowyers he taught to heat treat. Imitation is flattery and this guy treats it like stealing. Now he’s alone with his ideas and no better a bowyer for it
This kinda sums it up for me. This approach just doesn't seem to jive well with the openness of the bowyer community. I don't have a problem with people making an honest living off of primitive archery (I am), selling bows, teaching classes, writing books, youtube channels, etc, that feels all par for the course. For some reason the way they are promoting this video just kinda sticks in my craw a little. Something super secret that has never been done before, only way to know is to buy this DVD...
Maybe I'm splitting hairs or being hypocritical, I don't know. It just doesn't seem to take into account how we generally share information with each other. I feel like someone is going to watch the DVD and then, (if it's actually interesting), we will discuss the details of it in the open like we do everything else. Doesn't seem like the best marketing strategy.
Oh well, I'm not holding my breath. I'm mildly interested to see how the whole thing will play out.