Author Topic: From what point should I start counting inches on the tillering stick?  (Read 5889 times)

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I’m probably the oddball, but I tiller most of mine to fit me. 27 inches and I stop. I can see that the extra inch adds a margin of safety, I just don’t do it.
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Offline gfugal

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honestly, I think measuring from the belly is more ideal. However, I understand the standard is usually from the back of the bow. I figure if I measure from the belly than at least there is an automatic safety built into it. I want to speak about draw lengths. I've built 5 bows that would have all been good functional shooters at 28" draws. But I wanted a good safety margin and tried to tiller them out to 30". All of them broke around 30". SO if you are going to account for a safety margin, which I think you should, design the bow for that margin. Don't design the bow with 28" and thing that you can get two more inches out of it.
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At some point they will break. At some point they will suffer some set. I make them all at 27 (or less). I am not gonna draw one any farther, so I avoid the repercussions. If I give it to some one or sell it, I offer it as a 27 inch draw and make it clear that 28 could break it and if it doesn’t break it, it could reduce the cast. I don’t make these to sell them. If I did, I would approach this differently.
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Offline DC

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If I did, I would approach this differently.
Like pull them all to 29"or more?


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If it were a business, and I was making them to sell them, yes. I would probably opt for a margin for error. An inch I guess. I’m freakish about over drawing or holding at full draw too long. Both in my opinion hurt the cast, but, if it were a business maybe you sacrifice a little cast for a safety margin. Maybe.
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Offline bradsmith2010

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I over build the bow a bit for safety,..but don't over draw