Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Del Has a Bit of a Moan ... Update!

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Del the cat:

--- Quote from: Selfbowman on July 10, 2019, 02:20:56 am ---Why are they weighing unlimited class bows ? Arvin

--- End quote ---
Ah, well... once upon a time the data was used to work out a sort of handicap system such that an 80 yr old bloke with arthritis shooting a 30# bow could have his result scaled up to be competitive with some young gun pulling 120# . That system isn't in use but the weighing has continued so that the data may be used at some point....

How bizarre.  There is no possible way to come up with such a “handicap” system that makes physics sense. Perhaps they found that out.  I’m sure there were good intentions behind the practice that made it seem like a good idea at the time their rules were created. This happens all the time. We come up with a great idea just to find out that there’s are all kinds of unintended consequences once it is implemented.


Now, wait a minute!  I can still shoot a 45# bow!  And hurt a bit the next day!  And considering how I did in the Flight shoot last year, I would need a heck of a lot of handicap - in fact, every body else would have be about 100 yards further back than me!  Maybe it was just the new bows >:D (SH) (R!
Hee! Hee!

Del I agree with the hold down of wooden flight bows. Experienced it myself last flight shoot. There needs to be a adjustable stop at what the bowyer thinks is the draw weight. Pulled to the stop the scale keeps the digital weight  when let off. Then adjust if need be. Poor description but best I can do.


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