That horn may stay stuck but you really should make the pressure strip that Adam shows. You only need a strip of material and some scraps of pine. You also need a clamp every 2 inches max.
When the horn is heated correctly just prior to gluing eg. 45 - 50 deg Celsius it becomes too soft to be clamped correctly when using just a clamp. You have a lot of pressure in one spot and little (because the horn is soft) between the clamps. That is the reason they used the rope method in the past. Perfect pressure everywhere, it is also very quick when you are practised at it. Even clamping pressure is very important.
The good news is that partial delams are fixable but of course they are best avoided in the first place.
I wouldn't use a greater concentration than 30% glue.
The way to get the grooves perfect is to use a scalpel for the initial straight cut. Then a slightly thicker blade. Then use a very sharp scraper with a narrow projecting foot. Once you have done a couple it is pretty easy. The other methods are ok but not as good as the method Adam describes. The 'best' modern way is to get a router cutter made with 2mm equilateral triangles, make a sled for your horn and one for the core...... = perfection

but not exactly traditional!