I think you should really concentrate the bend on the first 1/3 of the limbs. Now the outer limbs are bending way too much. I hope you got some poundage left on it. The beginning shape doesn't really show much kasan eye angle, so the final bow wouldn't show it that much anyway as a more "normal" turkish shape.
It looks like the bow in general likes to bend, even the kasan parts so you have gotten past the worst part!
Here is some measurements of some of my bows, a typical turkish: limb next to handle 13mm thick, mid sal (most bending part) 12,2mm, kasan eye 11,7mm and from there quite fast growing to kasan 15mm.
Just to remember: horn and sinew will stand a lot of bend. You will get speed (efficiency) and balance in the bow if you concentrate the bend more. Even a momentarily hinge that would "destroy" wood bow, wont do much to hornbow. Also, if you make the bow bend too much from outer parts, you will end up keeping an awful lot of reflex and the bow will be hard to brace.
Anyway, its close to brace, you will do fine.
Oh and about the nocks, 55-70mm from the end of kasan was normal length. So what ever you choose. Of course you can scale it to your liking, for short bow (40") a 55-60mm is fine, longer (46") 70mm. Crimean tatars were longer bows with lengths about 46-54" so they had quite much longer, 80-90mm nocks.