I've decide that it's time to reach out.

I know there are others that are struggling as well.

A couple years ago I made a new friend (Juniper Junkie) Unlike most of my other bowaholic friends, JJ lives close enough to be a huge influence on my life. At first it seemed like everything was healthy in our friendship. Talking bows and practicing shooting once a week to stay honed. But as time went on He became a very close friend and we started to share secrets.

We both have jobs that sometimes alow us to sneak off and explore our surrounding areas in search of wood, stone and hunting grounds. At first my wife thought "oh good, now he has someone to go with him" but then she started getting suspicious when I'd answere the phone and she here wind blowing and birds singing in the background.
I first realized I had a problem when I would wait or my phone to ring hoping it was JJ instead of a customer.

But soon i decided I didn't have to wait for JJ and I started sneaking out on my own.
Today is a new day and I'm going out to the shop. I plan to keep the doors open and work on steel today. My hope are that the cold raw steel will keep me from being drawn to the warm touch, smell and beauty of the wood.
I know there are others struggling as well. Don't hide any more. This is your thread to open up and recieve help